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   Established 1960

Priority registration is given to SOTC instructors and assistants.

Priority registration for SOTC instructors/assistants runs May 22, 2023 through May 28, 2023. If there are more than 16 requests for working spots, a random draw will be held to fill the spots and the rest will be placed on the waiting list.

Registration for other SOTC members runs May 29, 2023 through June 4, 2023. If there are working spots still available after registration for SOTC instructors/assistants, a random draw will be held to fill them, and the rest will be placed on the waiting list.

General registration runs June 5, 2023 to June 20, 2023. If there are working spots still available after registration for SOTC members, a random draw will be held to fill them, and the rest will be placed on the waiting list.

Lunch, snacks and water/coffee/tea will be provided to all who pre-register for either working or auditing spots. No special dietary options will be available, so plan accordingly.

Auditor walk-ins will be accepted if there is still space available. Contact Sue Eaton at on Friday, June 23rd to see if there are still openings. We will post availability on the SOTC website as well. If you don’t contact Sue by Friday, we cannot guarantee there will be lunch for you. Payment in full must be made on the first day of the seminar, no matter if you are attending one or both days.

You may sign up online and pay through PayPal (click HERE to register on-line). There will be a $5 processing fee for on-line payment. Acceptance of on-line payment does NOT guarantee you a working spot, as registration is not first-come, first-served. All working spots will be assigned by random draw for each of the three categories above.

You may also mail a check made out to SOTC, Inc. with your registration request (click HERE for a printable registration form).

If your registration is received BEFORE registration has opened for your eligibility group, it will be included in the draw for the correct group. If your registration is received AFTER registration for your group has closed, it will be included in the draw for the current group.

Copyright 2024

The Syracuse Obedience Training Club, Inc. 

PO Box 3457, Syracuse NY 13220-3457

A New York State-registered 501(c)3 educational corporation (organized not-for-profit)

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