Established 1960
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Non-member new students
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Only one dog per household per Puppy, Pre-Basic, or Basic class. Owners with multiple dogs must enroll them in separate classes.
Students in Puppy, Pre-Basic, and Basic must bring proof of the dog's age-appropriate vaccinations to the first class.
Our Puppy class is now offered in two versions, to provide appropriate socialization experiences for slightly different age groups:
Aside from the age cutoff and play policy, the classes are the same.
Both versions include the AKC STAR Puppy program and will introduce real-world skills for your newest family member. In order to earn the STAR Puppy certificate, you must attend at least 6 of the 8 class meetings. All puppies should receive a minimum of one set of vaccines at least 7 days prior to the first class and a first deworming. They should be kept up-to-date on vaccines throughout the class.
PREREQUISITE: None! Just follow the age and vaccination guidelines above. Students must bring proof of puppy's vaccination to the first class.
MEETINGS: 8 meetings, 45 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $72 or 8 points, non-members $104
Puppy Option 1 (lower age cutoff)
Monday 7pm starting 3/24 (will not meet on 4/7, 5/12; decision about meeting on 5/26 Memorial Day TBA)
Instructor Roberta Hennigan, assistant Janine Ramsden
Tuesday 7:30pm starting 4/22 (will not meet on 5/6, 5/13, 6/10)
Instructor Colleen Clemett, assistant TBA
Puppy Option 2 (higher age cutoff)
Tuesday 6pm starting 4/1 (will not meet on 4/8, 5/13)
Instructor TBA, assistant Danielle Knobel
For older puppies 5-14 months of age. Appropriate both for those who have taken our Puppy class, and for those new to our program and too old for Puppy class. Designed for the older puppy to introduce basic obedience commands while recognizing the special needs of the younger dog. Limit 6-8.
PREREQUISITE: None! Just follow the age guidelines above. Students must bring proof of vaccination (DAP and, if dog is old enough, rabies) to the first class.
MEETINGS: 8 meetings, 45 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $72 or 8 points, non-members $104
For those continuing from Pre-Basic or new to obedience with an older dog (14 months of age and up). Includes walking under control on leash and development of basic obedience commands, including come, sit, down and stay. Limit 6-8.
PREREQUISITE: None! Just follow the age guidelines above. Students must bring proof of vaccination (DAP and rabies) to the first class.
MEETINGS: 8 meetings, 45 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $72 or 8 points, non-members $104
Introduction to on-lead heeling, off-lead recalls, and stays; continued work on basic obedience skills. Limit 6-8.
PREREQUISITE: SOTC Basic or permission
MEETINGS: 8 meetings, 45 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $72 or 8 points, non-members $104
Reviewing all 10 exercises for the CGC test. Extra help on how to train your dog for exercises you may need to work on. At the last class meeting you will be able to take the test for the CGC title. Limit 6.
PREREQUISITE: SOTC Basic or permission
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 60 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
Would your dog make a good therapy dog? This class will explore and practice exercises expected of most therapy dogs. This class is not specific to any one therapy dog organization, nor will your dog be certified at the end of the class. Dogs will need reliable basic skills including loose-leash walking and a sit or down stay at the handler’s side. Dogs may be crated during part of the class. If you have a portable crate, bring it so you can crate in the ring. Limit 6.
PREREQUISITE: SOTC Basic or permission
MEETINGS: 4 meetings, 60 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $36 or 4 points, non-members $52
AKC Tricks is a non-competitive titling program that starts with a series of simple tricks at the novice level and progresses through more difficult tricks. The highest levels (not taught in this class) progress to choreographed routines with music and storytelling!
This class is suitable for beginners up. A title does not have to be your goal as tricks are fun to train/show off and are an excellent way to establish and maintain a great training relationship with your dog. In addition to learning specific tricks, this class will teach you how to break down elements of tricks to teach them on your own. Training skills applicable to all dog sports will be emphasized. A list of the AKC options for each level of trick title will be provided, and each dog/handler team will determine what tricks they wish to learn. As much structure and/or customization for each dog/handler team will be provided.
Just a few trick options are: shake, circle around handler either forward or backward, stand on a platform, get in a box, jump through arms or a hoop, roll over, weave through your legs as you walk, figure 8 through your legs, etc.
Limit 4.
PREREQUISITE: A prior successful SOTC class or permission of instructor (don’t hesitate to ask). This class is restricted to dogs that are not reactive to other dogs or food/toys being tossed since we will be creating some quick movement and excitement for the dogs. Dogs need to be able to be managed by handlers. You may need to supply some of the equipment needed for certain tricks. A clicker is recommended (but not required) for training these skills. An introduction to clicker training will be covered.
MEETINGS : 6 meetings, 45 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78. Optional AKC title test(s) after completion of class for a $10 additional fee.
Teach your dog the foundations of training by shaping behaviors. Good for dogs of any age, all dog sports, with emphasis on agility. Limit 6.
PREREQUISITE: SOTC Basic or permission
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 45 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
Ready to have some serious fun with your dog? This class is perfect if you dream of a dog who loves to heel - Whether you're into obedience, rally, freestyle, or just want a super-confident, happy dog by your side. We'll be using games and playful techniques to make training fun for both you and your furry friend. Think of it as a fun, engaging way to build an amazing bond with your dog while mastering those heeling skills. Limit 6-8.
PREREQUISITE: SOTC Intermediate or permission
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 90 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
Drop in class for training dog and handler for the conformation (breed) ring. If appropriate for class make-up, breed standards, conformation rules, grooming of dog and handler will be discussed.
PREREQUISITE: None! Dogs should be at least 12 weeks of age and should have received age-appropriate vaccinations.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 45 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $9 or 2 tickets, non-members $13 (per drop-in, pay as you go -- checks, exact change, or click HERE to pay on-line with a credit card)
TO REGISTER: To reserve a spot for a particular meeting and to confirm that class will be held, email the instructor via the link below
Rally students must crate their dogs while they walk the course. Non-members may use a guest crate, if available, or bring their own crate each time and carry it out after class.
An introduction to AKC Rally, with an emphasis on learning the signs and how to run a smooth and efficient course. Students will work their way through the Rally Novice signs and will learn to walk a course. Dogs will be leashed on course. Limit 6-8.
PREREQUISITE: SOTC Basic graduate or permission. Students must crate their dogs while they walk the course.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 60 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
We will work on the skills needed to start competing in Rally. We will work on basics like heeling and stays in addition to learning the Novice signs and the Rally rules. Limit 6-8.
PREREQUISITE: Dogs must be able to do sustained heeling and have reliable sit, down and stay. Dogs must be able to be crated during class.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 60 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
Each class meeting will focus on a single skill, and students working on all the exercises (regardless of level) related to that skill. For example, if working on the Excellent-level “backup 3 steps,” we will also work on the Master-level backup signs. We will work sequences, not full courses. Limit 6-8.
PREREQUISITE: Must be working at or above Intermediate and must be able to work off lead. Dogs must be able to be crated during class.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 60 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
Courses with instruction.
PREREQUISITE: RE title; or RN and CD; or permission of instructor. Students must crate their dogs while they walk the course. Limit 4.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 60 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
Considering going after your Rally RAE and RACH? This class will use and review all level signs and start to build your dog’s stamina to run more than one course in a day. Format will be three courses, Advanced, Excellent, and Masters, run during the 90-minute class. Time will be spent on skills necessary to properly execute the “harder” signs, and hone your basics. Limit 4 teams.
PREREQUISITE: Students must crate their dogs while they walk the course.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 90 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
A continuation class for those who took YDC1 in the fall (C. Clemett, M. Kobis, L. Krieger, W. Longden, S. Podejko, B. Tassinaro, P. Vautrain)
PREREQUISITE: For those continuing from Young Dog 2
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 45 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points
For those familiar with the Novice exercises but not ready for competition. This class will continue work on Novice skills, including the recent changes to the CD requirements. Limit 6-8.
PREREQUISITE: Prior Novice class, BN/PN title, or permission. Students must have Novice skills prior to sign-up.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 45 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
All levels welcome. Individual run-throughs and group stays.
Please include the level of your run through when emailing to reserve your spot.
MEETINGS: 8 meetings, 90 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $9 or 2 tickets, non-members $13 (per drop-in, pay as you go -- checks, exact change, or click HERE to pay on-line with a credit card)
TO REGISTER: To reserve a spot for a particular meeting and to confirm that class will be held, email the instructor via the link below
Let’s take a deep dive into training the details!
This class is for dog/handler teams ready to work the Open exercises by focusing on the Drop on Recall. It is also for dogs working in Open who are having problems with their dogs traveling on the exercise or not dropping at all.
We will be teaching the dog the following things:
To “freeze” his forward movement / momentum
To use proper “drop form” so that he can best use his body to freeze and drop
To change his understanding so that moving backward is equally as desirable as moving forward, resulting in a dog that “stops, drops, and waits”
We will be using props to shape and show the dog what we want him to do. These will include a “front-foot target” and a “rear-foot target."
Limit 6. Auditors welcome!
PREREQUISITE: Dogs must have a Novice recall with “wait,” “come” and “front.” Handlers should have some basic knowledge about shaping a skill, using either a clicker or a verbal marker.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 60 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points
An introduction to the Open exercises. Limit 6.
MEETINGS: 8 meetings, 45 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $72 or 8 points, non-members $104
An introduction to the Utility exercises. Limit 6.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 45 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
A proofing and polishing class for Open and Utility. Limit 6.
PREREQUISITE: Working knowledge of all the exercises
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 45 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
Not offered this time
Not offered this time
For students who have taken Intermediate Flyball at least twice, or by instructor permission
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 45 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $9 or 2 tickets, non-members $13 (per drop-in, pay as you go -- checks, exact change, or click HERE to pay on-line with a credit card)
TO REGISTER: To reserve a spot for a particular meeting and to confirm that class will be held, email the instructor via the link below by the Tuesday before class
Agility students must arrive on time so as to be available to help with equipment setup if required.
Dogs must be crated while students walk the course or move equipment. Students may use a guest crate or bring their own crate each time and carry it out after class.
This class will cover the foundation skills required for competition agility, such as teamwork, self-control, body control, and shaping. The class is appropriate for all handlers (experienced agility competitors as well as those new to the sport) and is required for inexperienced handlers. If you have never competed in agility, you must take Foundations before enrolling in any other agility class SOTC offers. Limit 6.
PREREQUISITE: SOTC Basic graduate or permission
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 75 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $72 or 9 points, non-members $102
A cross-disciplinary class (for all sports, including agility) taught by Karen Vanderburgh and Sue Derienzo. Listed in the Beyond Basic section above.
Not offered this time
Introduction to contact equipment, jump training, practicing lead-outs, and basic handling. Building drive while maintaining focus and control. Limit 6.
PREREQUISITE: Students who have not previously competed in agility must have taken SOTC Agility Foundations or an equivalent class elsewhere before enrolling in this class. Dogs should be at least 8 months old.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 75 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $72 or 9 points, non-members $102
A three-session class working with the same group of students from the beginner through the intermediate-level agility curriculum. Teams completing this series will be ready for the Novice agility class. Limit 6.
PREREQUISITE: Students who have not previously competed in agility must have taken SOTC Agility Foundations or an equivalent class elsewhere before enrolling in this class. Dogs should be at least 8 months old.
MEETINGS: 8 meetings, 90 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $96 or 12 points, non-members $136
Building confidence on contact equipment, introduction of weave poles, developing dog and handler skills, beginning simple sequencing, and doing grid work. Limit 6.
PREREQUISITE: Successfully passing SOTC Beginner Agility or permission / run-through
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 90 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $72 or 9 points, non-members $102
Getting ready for the Novice ring! Developing confidence on obstacles and weaves. Starting to put things together: sequencing, handling techniques, what to do and where to do it, working through distractions. Limit 6.
PREREQUISITE: Successfully passing SOTC Advanced Beginner Agility or run-through. Off-lead control is required. Dogs should be confident jumping at full height, going through all "hoop" obstacles, negotiating full-height contacts with mild support, doing 6 weaves with mild support, doing a sequence of 5-8 obstacles.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 90 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $72 or 9 points, non-members $102
A 6-week on-line class.
Each week’s lesson will consist of a few drills (using 3 or 4 jumps and a tunnel) and one longer sequence (10-12 obstacles). Class will include an in-person Orientation consisting of two parts: one focusing on safe and efficient course building, the other (optional) focusing on the tech side: how to video, upload, post, use YouTube/Facebook, etc.).
Registered students will get an invite to join a Facebook group set up for this class. Each week we will post course maps and videos of the drills and sequence. Students are then expected to schedule an Open Training session, set up the course, and video themselves running it. Students will then submit their videos to the Facebook group and will receive instructor feedback (verbal and visual, using video editing software) a few days later. Students are encouraged to communicate through the Facebook group and to work together when feasible. Limited in-person instruction may also be available.
PREREQUISITE: The drills and sequences are appropriate for students who have successfully completed SOTC's Advanced Beginner class (or beyond). Students should be able to perform most obstacles with some independence.
MEETINGS: In-person Orientation on a date to be announced
PRICE: SOTC members $36 or 4 points, non-members $52 (price includes 2 hours of Open Training; price for additional OT sessions is $5 for members, $10 for non-members)
This class is for teams just starting their weave career with 2x2 poles or more experienced teams looking to proof hard entrances and added distractions. Limit 4.
PREREQUISITE: Dogs must be at least 12 months of age
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 60 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
A continuation class for those who took the Jump Grid Part 2 class in the Winter (S. Coe, S. Etherington, D. Waters)
This Jump Grid class is for dogs 18 months old and up who have been actively jumping. The jump heights are generally kept low but will be adjusted based on the height and age of the dog. The grids can be useful to train jumping skills for agility, obedience / rally and flyball. The jump grids teach a dog to adjust their stride to cover ground more efficiently, jump cleanly and find the perfect take-off spot. The grids also teach the dog to focus forwards and take a long line of jumps. Several types of jump grids will be covered and will be progressed throughout the class.
Different agility handling options will be presented for each class.
Limit 4 dog & handler teams
PREREQUISITE: For those who took Part 2 in the Winter. Others by permission of Instructor. If an opening occurs, dogs must be 18 months old and up, and actively jumping either in other classes or self-trained.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 90 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $72 or 9 points, non-members $102
Nested courses will be built, course maps will be provided. Run the courses or train as you wish. Please be prompt for setup. Limit 10 teams per meeting.
MEETINGS: Number of meetings to be announced, 90 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $9 or 2 tickets, non-members $13 (per drop-in, pay as you go; checks, exact change, or click HERE to pay on-line with a credit card)
TO REGISTER: To reserve a spot for a particular meeting and to confirm that class will be held, email the instructor via the link below
For students preparing for Novice. Limit 6.
PREREQUISITE: Successfully passing SOTC Intermediate Agility or permission. Dogs must be able to perform full-height contacts, do 6 weave poles, and negotiate sequences of 8-10 obstacles.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 60 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
For students preparing for Open. Limit 6.
PREREQUISITE: Novice agility titles or permission
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 60 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
For students preparing for Excellent/Masters. Students are expected to help set up the course. Limit 6.
PREREQUISITE: Open agility titles or permission
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 75 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $72 or 9 points, non-members $102
This class will focus on identifying differences between AKC titling agility classes and AKC ISC (international sweepstakes class) Level 1 + 2 courses, understanding what skills are needed for the challenges presented, and further breaking those skills down to begin a training plan. This class is appropriate for all levels from pre-novice to competition level teams, as every challenge begins with foundation skills. Each week, we will discuss a different set of challenges found in an ISC level 1 or 2 course, try it out, evaluate where each team is, and lay out the progression for learning that skill or set of skills! All teams will go home with a training plan.
The ISC program offered through AKC agility provides teams the opportunity to train for and run courses that are aligned with designs/challenges presented by international organizations, such as FCI. This has historically been used by teams that have goals to compete internationally, but is open to everyone! 2024 featured the first AKC ISC National Championships in October, and there are more trials including those classes every year!
Skills include but are not limited to: the concept of distance/layering, discriminations, verbal independence, understanding commitment, and backside options.
Limit 6.
PREREQUISITE: At least Advanced Beginner Agility, or with instructor permission
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 60 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
An international-style agility course designed by an FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale) judge will be set up on the turf arena (130 foot x 80 foot). This will be an excellent opportunity for those interested in learning about AKC’s International Sweepstakes Class (ISC), a non-regular class providing a dog and handler an opportunity to demonstrate their advanced training and handling skills on various international-style standard and jumpers with weaves courses. Limit 10 dogs. Two-minute sessions on the floor (maximum of 3 runs total).
MEETINGS: Friday 4/18 (additional dates TBD), 180 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $15 or 4 tickets, non-members $20 (per dog, pay as you go; checks, exact change, or click HERE to pay on-line with a credit card)
TO REGISTER: To reserve a spot for a particular meeting and to confirm that class will be held, email the instructor via the link below
*** All scent work classes will be held at the Lafayette Apple Festival grounds ***
For dogs that have no scent work experience or need more basic experience in the foundations. Limit 8.
What you will need
PREREQUISITE: None! But no aggressive dogs.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 45 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
For those who have the basics of scent work and need more experience to ready themselves to compete at the Novice Level. Limit 8.
PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of Introduction to Scent work or one leg earned at a Novice-level scent work trial.
FYI: Crating will be done from your car. Bring water and a bowl and lots of good treats.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 45 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
For those who have at least one Novice Leg or have taken our Novice Class and are ready to work with multiple hides and anise scent. Limit 8
PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of Introduction to Scent Work and/or Novice Scent Work or one leg earned at a Novice-level scent work trial.
FYI: Crating will be done from your car. Bring water and a bowl and lots of good treats.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 45 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
Interiors and exteriors (weather permitting) at the AKC Excellent and Master levels, with emphasis on trial strategies. Limit 6.
PREREQUISITE: Solid knowledge of AKC Scent Work rules (available online) and AKC trialing experience
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 60 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $78
The single most important facet in developing a successful search team centers around developing a confident and motivated dog. This class will use fundamental exercises that address using a marker for clear communication, timely pinpointing, detailing scent, start line routine, solving deep accessible hides, proper leash handling, presenting quality rewards, and other skills that are designed specifically to enhance the confidence of your search team. Limit 6.
PREREQUISITE: The class is open to dog/handler teams that are working at least at the Novice level and are therefore capable of successfully searching for and finding one interior/exterior hide.
MEETINGS: 6 meetings, 90 minutes
PRICE: SOTC members $54 or 6 points, non-members $79